Typing away merrily, Robert Ruzbacky produced the immortal words:
> Apr  9 06:47:39 ns tcp-env[17281]: warning: /etc/hosts.allow, line 11: can't 
> verify hostname: gethostbyname(114.trusted.net) failed
> Apr  9 06:47:40 ns tcp-env[17281]: refused connect from
> Apr  9 06:56:54 ns tcp-env[17346]: connect from murphy.debian.org
> Apr  9 06:58:38 ns tcp-env[17364]: warning: /etc/hosts.allow, line 11: can't 
> verify hostname: gethostbyname(114.trusted.net) failed
> Apr  9 06:58:38 ns tcp-env[17364]: refused connect from
> Is this because my hosts.deny file is set to ALL: PARANOID 

No.  Your DNS setup is broken.

% host -t ptr
Name: 114.trusted.net

% host 114.trusted.net
114.trusted.net does not exist (Authoritative answer)

You need forward DNS which matches the reverse.  Otherwise, an attacker
could do something like the following ...

goodppl.example.net has 192.168.1/24
badppl.example.net have 192.168.6/24

Set reverse DNS for to point to ours.goodppl.example.net.

Hey presto, badppl can bypass all your filters easily, and nothing you
can do about it.

Matching forward and reverse DNS is a Good Thing(tm).
HTML email - just say no --> Phil Pennock
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 We believe in world peace through extortionate license fees."  -Bluemeat

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