
..as isp staffers etc, we have obligations under law to help law
enforcement prevent DDOS attacks, and secure evidence?  ;-)
> O/T Troll Forecast: Heavy showers, mixed with intermittent DDOS,
> through the 21st
> Authored by: AllParadox on Wednesday, December 15 2004 @ 10:01 AM EST
> The SCO Group has a quartly conference on the 21st.
>  Senior TSG management salaries depend on maintaining stock prices. 
>  The announcement on the 21st is probably scheduled to get the least
> amount of news coverage, due to very bad earnings reports.
>  In the past, a few days before bad news was announced, Troll activity
> picked up significantly on the Yahoo! SCOX message board and on
> Groklaw. There appeared to be some correlation between the amount of
> Troll activity, the length of intensive pre-release Trolling, and the
> severity of the bad news. 
>  The TSG announcement on the 21st, just from publicly available
> information, cannot be good. Quite likely, it will be very bad. 
>  Troll posts picked up considerably yesterday, and today we are seeing
> what may be DDOS attacks on Ibiblio. 
>  TSG may be in a panic that stock prices will plummet from their
>  current bottom-hugging values. 
>  Forecast: Expect continuous Troll showers, heavy at times,
>  occasionally
> mixed with DDOS, through the 21st. 
>  ---
>  All is paradox: I no longer practice law, so this is just another
> layman's opinion. For a Real Legal Opinion, buy one from a licensed
> Attorney


..med vennlig hilsen = with Kind Regards from Arnt... ;-)
...with a number of polar bear hunters in his ancestry...
  Scenarios always come in sets of three: 
  best case, worst case, and just in case.

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