I am looking for a web content management system to allow K12 teachers and possibly students to easily maintain personal or project web space. There are a lot of products out there but most of them are not set up to allow access to one area and not the entire site. This does not have to scale too big. A few thousand user sites max. ( We have no idea what the user load will be since we only have 400 to 500 users now and most don't keep their sites up to date. )
Criteria: 1. Access control that would allow someone access to areas that they have been allowed to work and no other area. 2. Web browser accessible. GUI editor. 3. EASY to use for non technical folks! 4. Little modification needed. We installed quite a few products. Some were quite easy to use but there was little access granularity. Others like typo3 were quite granular but the end users would go into vapor lock if they ever saw the interface. The closest thing we have hit, our of the box, is Plone. Setting it up for personal web space is trivial. The Epos editor is fairly simple to use. The one big advantage with Plone for students would be the ability to configure a teacher as to verify content before it is posted to the Internet. It would almost be a go right out of the box. Minor mods so that folks can't set up their own web space without authorization, our logo etc. The biggest problem that I have with Plone is that we have no experience with Zope based applications. Documentation for Plone is quite lacking. Backup and disaster recovery are complete unknowns to us on this type of system. Any help with suggested/known products or RTFM pointers would be greatly appreciated.