On Mon, 25 Oct 2004 03:55, "John Cooper" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I understand your guys' point, and I appreciate it.    What you describe
> here sounds nearly identicaly to my auto-responder.  But, that may be my
> lack of knowledge of how the mail system works in general.  Something about

Be smart.  Don't mess with things that you don't understand.  Get someone who 
works for your ISP to sort things out for you.

> He could easily have shared his idea with the list, and mailed me
> separately at my new address, without (in his words) publically archiving
> my private address for spammers to harvest.   Do you not agree that this
> was simply malicious, and needlessly hurtful?

Nothing less will work.  In fact in your case I am not convinced that even 
this has worked.

> Would he also teach someone to swim by throwing them in the water and
> watching them drown, laughing as the dumbass goes down?

In your case, yes!  I'd make an AVI and put it on the web for everyone to 

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