On Thu, 2004-09-30 at 09:36, Andrew Miehs wrote:
> Hi all,
> Its a little off topic, but am looking at setting up a wiki
> The two that come to mind are jspWiki, and Twiki.
> Has anyone had BAD experiences with either of these two? or should I be using 
> something completely different... (Am NOT a PHP fan.)

If you don't mind zope, there is zwiki...

possibly overkill for just a wiki, but with zope behind it you get
per-page access controls, "undo", per-page or whole wiki email
subscription and/or updates, and even things like trackers can be
implemented within it.

Dispite the power, it is easy to set up. It can be a bit slow though...

Donovan Baarda <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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