Hi Fraser                                     >@2004.09.22_03:13:17_GMT+0200

> I finally got around to trying out mod_rewrite and it looks like things will 
> work exactly as I'd hoped.

> Obviously under this scheme all hostnames get treated the same, you would have 
> to override the defaults in some cases (SSL sites for example) but that can 
> be done by adding normal rules in <virtualhost> or <Directory> containers.

I remember having a similar config when I last tried this, but..

running a script from mod_rewrite was not reliable, sometimes it just did
not work... restart apache and it worked again. maybe it was just the
version I used.

my big problem was..

1) I wanted the script to read the path from LDAP
   which I did have working.

2) I wanted to enable / disable things like PHPengine for the virtual
   host based on LDAP settings.

How do I do 2 ?   

     "We are all worms.  But I do believe I am a glowworm."
                                     -- Winston Churchill
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