Il 11 Sep 2004 alle 21:30 Andreas John immise in rete
> 1.) VLAN is an IEEE Standard. (802.1q).
> But there are two kind of VLAN: tagged VLAN and untagged ones.
>   b.) The tagged one are 802.1q. This is what you are looking for. All

Just an information:
i will have a netgear 526T and a AT 8024 ....
my servers have one a NIC driven by e1000 module, the other by 
8139too .
Currently they have two nic each, one with 2 addresses and one with 
other two, connected phisically to two different networks.
I would plan to use only one NIC for each server, conencted to the 526.
The two switches would be connected usink trunk option by 3 double 
pairs (3 UTP lines) . In each of the switches 6 ports would be used for 
the "first" subnet, the others 14 for the second.
Is this feasible, and viable (The rationale is theat i have available only 6 
pairs throught the two rooms, and is inconvenent to add more on a 
short term. Trunking the two subnet on the same wires would allow 
burst of traffic on one of the subnets to use 300 MB banwidth) ???
I use 2.4.26 deb kernels on both servers.
Leonardo Boselli
Nucleo Informatico e Telematico del Dipartimento Ingegneria Civile
Universita` di Firenze , V. S. Marta 3 - I-50139 Firenze
tel +39 0554796431 cell +39 3488605348 fax +39 055495333

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