On Tue, 20 Jul 2004 10:39, Michelle Konzack <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >Other people get >10MB/s.  I've benchmarked some of my machines at 9MB/s.
> I do not belive it !


See the above message from  David S. Miller <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> posted 
in 1997.  At the time Dave used that as his standard .sig because it was 
really ground-breaking performance from Linux of >11MB/s TCP!

When I did tests I never got 11MB/s on my machines, that is because my 
hardware was probably not as good, and because I used real-world applications 
such as FTP rather than TCP benchmarks.

100/8 == 12.5.  The wire is capable of 12.5MB/s, having a protocol do 11.26 
isn't so strange.

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