
IÂm novice on debian, i have decided recently to change from redhat or
mandrake (fatal experiencie in two years), so excuse my ignorance.
First i dont know how to do this step "The first thinng you must do is to
install a kernel with IPTABLES support"
How can I do it ? How can i test if it is on my server?

Second, I  have see this on my server

morpheo:~# apt-get install iptables
Reading Package Lists... Done
Building Dependency Tree... Done
Sorry, iptables is already the newest version.
0 packages upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0  not upgraded.

It seems to be iptables installed but the previos errors said that iptables
where not avaliable.

Thanks in advance, and for your spanish response, I have a poor english too,


----- Original Message -----
From: "Enrique Dorantes" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, June 28, 2004 10:09 PM
Subject: Re: nat ipchains on debian woody

On Mon, 28 Jun 2004 21:35:40 +0200
Christoph LÃffler <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Hello Fraancisco:
The first thinng you must do is to install a kernel with IPTABLES support,
the ipchains is not recomendable for kernels up to 2.4. The kernel packages
of woody distro have this support
Next you MUST install iptables:  ip-tables apt-get install iptables
Then you should enable ip forward and ipfilter, with the instructions early
mentioned by Mark, but if you want to run a proxy ip forward is not necesary

You must read a lot of documentation of Squid and IPtables

Enrique Dorantes

Ahora en espaÃol,

Hola franciso:

Lo primero que tienes que hacer es bajar un kernel que soporte iptables,
ipchains esta desconntinuado.
Despues tienes que instalar ip-tables apt-get install iptables
Deespues hacer lo que te indicaron con anterioridad habilitar el ip forward
quee no es necesario si vas a poner un proxxy y el ipfilter.

Hay que leer mucha documentaciion de Squid y de IPtabless.


> Hello Francisco,
> Francisco Castillo wrote:
> > I have read doc to do it but when i apply this doc i have a "your
> > kernel seems to not support ipchains" messages when i try to do
> > this.
> For what reason do you want to use ipchains? If you just set up
> debian successfully i think you have also an actual kernel (> 2.4.x)
>  From Version 2.4.x there is a new packet filter which is called
> iptables. On www.netfilter.org you find a lot of documentation.
> > Did you know how to give a NAT (ipmasquerade support) on a debian
> > woody kernel in order to solve my problem?
> Sorry, do not know about that.
> Chris
> --
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