Ciao Niccolo

In my investigations of the price and availability of static IP
addresses and the like in Italy, I found that Tiscali, Infostrada, and
FastWeb all provided static IP addresses and domain name/MX record
management, as part of at least one of their tariff plans associated
with ADSL or fibre.
I have also successfully mailed out from PC's in NAT networks managed by
debian under a single dynamically assigned IP address from these
providers using their base 'home ADSL' tariff plans.  In all cases I use
the SMTP server provided by the ISP at no extra cost, because they
recognise that you couldn't e-mail from a PC in any other way.  Also, as
you can see from my e-mail address (which is in Australia), I don't use
the e-mail addresses the Italian ISP's give to me for free to receive
e-mail to, just as a means to authorize access to ADSL and to their SMTP
servers to send e-mail.  If your need is as simple as mine, then you can
get by with the base ISP offerings.

If, though, you have a need to set up a corporate identity with your own
recognised domain names for both IP and MX, then I think you can't
really avoid getting a static IP address and a 'business ADSL' tariff,
which is available from at least those three providers I mentioned
above, but obviously not at 'home ADSL' prices.


Peter K.
 Peter Klavins                                              Datalon SrL
 [EMAIL PROTECTED]                   Viale Giuseppe Mazzini 114/A
                                                          00195 Roma RM

-----Original Message-----
From: Niccolo Rigacci [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Tuesday, 22 June 2004 11:38 AM
Cc: Russell Coker
Subject: Re: Which Spam Block List to use for a network?

On Tue, Jun 22, 2004 at 05:59:54PM +1000, Russell Coker wrote:
> On Tue, 22 Jun 2004 16:13, Craig Sanders <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > reject other dyn/dialups - they should use their own ISP or mail server.
> I second this.
> A user has no business making direct connections to mail servers.

I disagree.

You want to block spam or viruses, this is OK but you are on the
wrong way.

You say that because unwanted mail comes often from a dynamic
address, you will block all dinamic addresses. What do you tink
if I block all the mail originated from a Windows machine, simply
because many Windows machine are infected and send viruses/spam?

I work for a firm and we ave about 150 Debian servers installed
to customers sites, they are connected with adsl. The IP ranges
are owned by the largest Italian provider and they are listed as
dynamic ones, despite the fact that they are assigned in a static
way. Our customers run their own mail server with SMTP, POP3,
IMAP, and webmail.

You have to explain to me why you are blocking their mails.

You also have to explain to me why do you want to force them to
use a smart host for their outgoing mails.

They have purchased bare adsl connectivity, why do you want force
them to purchase also smtp service from an ISP?

You are following an unexistant cause-effect link and you are
wasting your time. For a virus writer it is a metter of an hour
to change his code to post to the isp's smtp server instead of
posting directly. Now you have an huge infrastructure (dynaddr
lists) perfectly useless that do big harm to the network.

Niccolo Rigacci
Firenze - Italy

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