On Tue, 22 Jun 2004 20:49, Adrian 'Dagurashibanipal' von Bidder 
> That said, personally, I don't block on dynamic IPs - too many of my
> friends run mailservers at home, so I'd be hurting myself too much.

The solution to that is simple.  You configure your mail server to allow mail 
from the IP addresses used by your friends before checking the dial-up list!

> (For illustration: the same argument can be made for blocking whole
> countries: I don't know anybody in Brazil, or Venezuela, or China, or
> Korea. Blocking those IP ranges eliminates a lot of spam. Again: there
> is no cause-effect link, but still, depending on requirements, blocking
> such ranges is a useful tool.)

That is different.  When someone chooses the cheapest ISP in their area and 
has email problems we are not under any obligation to pander to them (in 
effect spending our own money to compensate for them being cheap).  Blocking 
out an entire country makes it very difficult for a good person to find 
another way of getting email through.

I have blocked some ISPs in China, Korea, and Brazil that were particularly 
active in spamming me.  Most of those countries are not blocked in my 
configuration apart from SpamCop etc so it is still possible for people from 
those countries to send me email.

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