Hello all,

I'm looking for some practical advice on moving servers from one colocation to another.

In a couple of weeks, we need to move our servers to a different colocation, which means all the ip addresses will change.
The servers are running regular stuff: web, mail, ftp, and two dns servers.

In the past I witnessed such a move, and there were a lot of problems with the DNS. As it turned out, many DNS servers out there kept caching the old ip addresses for over 3 days, causing a lot of connection issues for many users. Beforehand we did lower the ttl on all the domains prior to the move, but many dns servers seemed to ignore that. On top of that, we moved both our dns servers at the same time, which was a big mistake too.

So, what I'd like to hear from you is practical advice on how to avoid connection problems after the move is complete.
Will it be enough to keep 1 dns server behind? I'm afraid it won't be, given the dns caching problem mentioned above. Is there a way to have that 1 dns server act as a proxy or port forwarder in some way? Can that be done between two different class A networks?

Btw, the servers are running debian stable (woody).

Thanks in advance,

Rhesa Rozendaal

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