Am 2004-04-11 05:03:38, schrieb Arnt Karlsen:
>On Fri, 9 Apr 2004 21:10:44 +0200, Michelle wrote in message 

>> The 54 MBit are only Theory !
>> Practical you can get around 40 MBit for each channel.
>..riiiiiiight, dream on. Say 20Mbps and I'll agree.  ;-)

Do you dream from Netgear or D-Link ?

I have a Proxim Tsunami MP.11a installed in Strasbourg. THE COR is 
installed in Neudorf and the ROR in the Center of Strasbourg on a 
Tower. The Link has 40 MBit effectiv. And curently ther are between 
6 and 18 Users whic use it without traffic shaping. 

Then I have probs with WarDrivers which use my 2 MBit ADSL too ;-)

My Traffic counter (ipac-ng) is working very good !

I it works realy good. 

But I think, you do not know abour the differenc between a D-Link/
Netgear and an ORINOCO/Tsunami system. 

The HighEnd system are 20-40 times more expensive but there is 
realy more power. 

> experience with isp's, is, set up proxy servers and spam weed

Yes, I think, a big proxY is neccesarily...

>..booo, I said "steam" like in vapor, not "steamy" like in raunchy.  ;-)


>, we return to sizes, weights, and power etc requirements.  ;-)
>> 1)  If I have only a NetworkCenter (4 x OC-3) for my CyberCenter 
>>     project, I need only RadioBridges which supports E1, E2 and 
>>     E3 and OC-3
>> 2)  If I support paralel to 1) commercial Users (End and ISP), I 
>>     need a bigger Backbone like 2 x 1 GBit which mean, I need 
>>     GBit RadioBridges maybe up to 1,8 GBit too. 
> meant  ;-)
>They carry the above gear?

Yes I was in there Website... ;-)

Realy nice the 360° Beamer (entry page) with 8 channels ;-)
Was 25.000 US$ I think

>>     The price is realy heavy (around 27.000 US$ each ) and they 
>>     support not more the 20km and you need many Briges...
>..huh?  They do support line of sight?  60000ft ~ 20km, that's _up_. 
>Assuming you are correct about their 20 km signal path loss range,
>keep in mind that their 20 km is _along_ the surface, say across the 
>sea, where the air is nice and thick.  Signal loss from your ground
>station up to my relay drone, will be proportional to the air density
>_along_ the signal path.

No, I was thinking, that I uase the RadioBridges between my POP's in 
Maroc, because for the monthly Price of a 34 MBit LeasdLine I can buy 
1 1/2 RadioBridges OC-3 (twelf month are around 360 km)

Cabling the POP's are more expensive as the RadioBridges. 

>, pointing you ground station antennas up say at 11 degrees
>elevation to point at my relay at say 20km altitude to match your sea
>level signal loss, and then down on the other side at a similar angle, 
>takes you how far?  ;-)

This is a SatelitLink ?

I know one here in Strasbourg which use Tiscali SkyDSL 1024/256kBit. 
And is realy fast... and I think, the reaction time is good. 

Like to know more about your system.

>> I was thinking about minimum two independant and 100% redunant ISP's. 
>, 2 or more drones in the air, and several ground stations etc.

Yes, why not...

But whats the price of GrondStations ?
And whats the speed of each channel ?

>..or, are you setting up _several_ isp's, or are you setting up several 
>_route_ isp's to serve the _one_ isp you have made the 26 boxes for?


>> >..fiber you know, relay drones loiter at altitude with line of sight
>>                    ^^^^^^^^^^^^
>> You mean via Satelit ?
>..close, like in "big model airplane carrying pc's" or AP's set up 
>as bridges. The airframe would be a slow high flying wing with 
>an autopilot, to make a flying robot relay drone.  ;-)

??? - Never herd about it !  :-/

>..for anything past 99.9% 24/7 service, I say 3 drones minimum, one
>airborne in service, one ready for takeoff, and "one in the work shop".
>For every additional link serviced, add one airborne relay in service,
>and depending on distances to, and between relay loiter points, 
>service policy etc, consider launching flying spares.

Now I understood how it works... 

>..also, consider traditional wifi grids, high altitude relay drones can
>join these, and span them, and span several of these grids, and 
>can form back bone grids. A single point failure becomes less

This is what I not understand...
The drones are working with the 802.11g standard ?

>problematic, as traffic can be re-routed until a new drone is up
>and takes over the loiter point.

Yes right, and it mean, that each AP must have two antennas, one to 
receive the signal from the drones and a second which distribute it 
to the customers ?

>> I can use the Proxim Tsunami MP.11a which sopports with the 
>> Outdoor Router Software upgrade Traffic Shaping from 64 kBit 
>> to some MBit (do not know exactly)
>..yup, failing that, I have
>which could use a web interface, and a wee linux box to run on to 
>trottle the bridged links, I would prefer to have the airframe controls
>separated from the payload bits, here, we rocket scientists are a bit
>conservative.  ;-)


Drop me some lines PM about pricing...


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