On Fri, 5 Sep 2003 01:25, Boehn, Gunnar von wrote:
> I would like to set up a debian box with mirrored disks.
> Can anybody please give me a hint which raid controllers are supported by
> debian ?
> My original idea was to use an IDE 3ware 7000-2 controller.
> Would this be a good choice ?

I have used the PERC cards that ship with the medium sized Dell servers and 
the Mylex DAC960 cards.  Both of them work fine, although the performance 
from a small DAC960 was not impressive.  I tested them extensively and found 
them to be OK.

I've also worked on a Debian machine with a 3ware controller (not sure which 
series), it worked fine, but I never had a chance to do a full test run as it 
was a live production system before I got there.

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