Hi Eduard,

> > Nowadays, many motherboards have built-in ethernet ports. The most
> > seem to be either the SiS chipset (SIS900) or Intel's one (don't know
> > model number... but i think eepro or something?)
> >
> > Realtek is the most common PCI one... virtually all cheap PCI LAN
> > have Realtek chipsets.
> All mentioned cards are supported by the bf2.4 kernel or will be
> supported by the next generations of boot-floppies. What is your
> problem? The broadcom things are not supported just because the stupid
> drivers are not part of the normal vanilla kernel.

Never heard of "broadcom" on a motherboard... never used one... never seen
one... so no complaints from me. I just hope the boot floppies in the next
stable version will support these very common chipsets, because i remember
when installing the current stable, it is a headache.

> > Not THAT many.
> >
> > Actually, I like the way Redhat does it. IMHO Redhat has one of the
> > installation "procedures" going. With the 3ware card installed, it
> > automatically loads up the 3wxxxx.o (i think that's what it's
> bf2.4 loads the 3ware driver. Some exotic controllers are only supported
> if you insert a module-preload disk with scsi drivers and load them
> manually. There is no good way to fix it, we cannot include every driver
> on _one_ floppy.

Perhaps have "the one" floppy detect what is needed, and then direct the
user to either download/insert the other relevent driver disk?

Bah, you guys know more about this stuff. I'm just a sysadmin that uses
it... so not sure if it is even possible... or advantageous, to have a
"detection" thing tell the user to download a certain driver to a disk.
maybe the detection routines would be too long/big/complicated? I think
there is a hardware detection project already?

> MfG,
> Eduard.
> -- 
> <cray> knopper wie ich mitbekommen habe hast du irgendwie etwas mit
knoppix zu
> tun, ..
> -- 
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