On Thu, 24 Jan 2002 20:03, Jason Lim wrote:
> Perhaps ALL CAPS with a minimum number of characters (eg. 10) would work
> better,
> so a person sending "ICQ" or "HI" won't get their email auto-trashed?

The regex from my message (quoted below) requires a minimum of 4 characters 
to match.  I wrote it to avoid catching the "ICQ" subject referenced in a 
previous message.

> > If using Postfix you can put the following in /etc/postfix/reject
> > /^Subject: [A-Z ]{4,}/ REJECT
> >
> > Then put the following in main.cf:
> > header_checks = regexp:/etc/postfix/reject
> >
> > I think that'll work (but I've never tested it).

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