On Thu, Apr 05, 2001 at 04:19:38PM +0200, Francis 'Dexter' Gois wrote:
>  Hi,
>  I intend to set up a transparent proxying system here. We have a lot of 
>  traffic, so the server receiving the requests shall be heavy-loaded. I 
> plan 
>  to follow this schema :
>  (clients)       - router        - internet (all traffic but :80)
>                  - transproxy - squid load balancer      - squid proxy 1
>                                                          - squid proxy 2
>                                                          - ...
>  We use Celeron - and what i call heavy-loaded is 1500-2000 simultaneous 
>  modem connexions (average) and 3000 simultaneous modem connexions (top 
>  load).
>  Has somebody already tried so a config ? What i would like is to have a 
>  feed-back about transproxy 1.4 (or another version) behaviour when it's 
>  heavy-loaded.
I had transproxy running on a quite slow box (p100) for 30 clients,
but tproxy caused quite some load if the proxy it was caching to was

I never tried it with that many connections though.

BTW: i guess you'll configure your router to send :80 traffic to the
tproxy box?

squid has a transproxy too, maybe it's better to do load balancing
some other way, and let squid transproxy (read the squid faq for info
about squid transproxieing)

I don't think transproxy will handle such a load quite well, but you
can try and find out :)
> Name:           Alson van der Meulen      <
> Personal:       [EMAIL PROTECTED]       <
> School:       [EMAIL PROTECTED]    <
Where's the GUI on this thing?

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