On Wed, Jun 28, 2000 at 06:32:23PM +0200, Dariush Pietrzak wrote:
> > Make sure the LoadModule directive for mod_ssl comes before any SSL
> > directives in the config file.
> is it posible and secure to run apache-perl with mod_sll?
> I need at least a little crypted access to my ASP pages
You can run mod_ssl with apache and mod_perl, so I don't see why not.
Nathan Norman "Eschew Obfuscation" Network Engineer
GPG Key ID 1024D/51F98BB7 http://home.midco.net/~nnorman/
Key fingerprint = C5F4 A147 416C E0BF AB73 8BEF F0C8 255C 51F9 8BB7
PGP signature