Santiago Ruano Rincón <> writes:

> Dear Publicity, Localization and Internationalization Teams,
> I've added to the publicity-team/announcements repository two
> announcements, the first for Buster LTS reaching EOL, and the second for
> Bullseye moving over LTS:
> [Buster LTS EOL] 

Some thoughts: I found this a bit difficult to follow. You might want to
think about whether people not versed in debian internals will be able
to understand this stuff (or whether they need all the details, or other
details!). Is there an overall message you want the reader to understand
from this?

line 21, delete "hereby"
line 22, the commas in "on June 30, 2024," look odd to me, "on 30 June 2024" 
similarly line 23: "on 6 July 2019"

line 27, "Starting" is unhelpful in a context of something stopping - be more 
  Why does it say "july" when the previous paragraph says June? is this a 
different year?

line 28, i think "subset" could be simpler: "some packages" (or saying
which packages you mean).

"external parties" is offputting corporate jargon -- is there a reason
not to name the parties?

   Debian will not provide further security updates for Debian 10 after
   July [what year?].  However, some <q>buster</q> packages will still
   be supported under the <a
   href="";>Extended LTS</a> project
   managed by Freexian [for how long? how do i use this? should i use

The paragraphs after are hard to follow:
-- line 34, "will prepare afterwards" - this isnt correct grammer, but
    who is preparing what, and why? and after what?
-- "transition"? -- what is transitioning given that Debian 11 was
      released years ago? do you mean users are forced to upgrade? that
      upgrades from ELTS are somehow supported?
-- LTS team could do with explanation - you explained ELTS but not LTS
-- line 37, "will complete five years" do you mean
   - something will take five years to complete?
   - something has been completed after five years work?
   - something else?
-- the next paragraph looks like it's maybe needed earlier?

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