Hello Thomas, thank you for your work on the DDTSS
> * the Italian team has fine scripts that could benefit everybody if they > were directly provided by DDTSS all the JavaScript tools are in my github, but we also have some Python script that create ad-hoc databases. The most useful is the one that creates data to populate a dropdown list with suggestions for the short description, after splitting in two the English description and searching existing translations of the two parts. Another Python script that should be easy to add to ddt.cgi is the one that shows the new descriptions of the last 30 days sorted by length (shortest first) for when you want to contribute but have little time > * it's not easy to run DDTSS locally, which hinders code contributions yes, installing it locally and if you can make the code more modular (more functions, especially to separate the generation of HTML) would lower the barrier to contribution for those that can't write Perl from scratch but can modify it ;-) I would like to remove the tables from the home page to make the HTML responsive but I'm afraid that I could break something I also agree with your other points that I'm not quoting. My wishlist: * I would find useful a way to "unfetch" a description for when I fetched it by mistake or because it is too long or too difficult or because I opened a bug report for that description and there is little point in translating it if the maintainer is going to change it soon. * I would find it useful if we could save a draft or incomplete translation: for example the error page when <trans> is still present could give the chance to save it anyway in the pending translation queue, similar to when you abandon and the comment is saved. -- Daniele Forsi