Hi Om, 

Am 16. September 2023 07:09:50 MESZ schrieb Om Wani <omwan...@gmail.com>:
>I attended the DebConf happening in Kochi and got to know that I can
>contribute by translating for debian. So now I want to do localization for
>my native language 'Marathi' for the Debian Installer.
>The #debian-boot irc told me to mail here. Can anyone help me with that?

Great, that you want to contribute.

Situation for Marathi in the installer is not that bad, it is 94% translated; 
but there is still work to do, and overall proofreading might also be good.

You have two options, how to work:
You can use your webbrowser to do the work via the web-based Weblate online 
service [1].
Marathi is already activated, so you can register an account (if you don't 
have one) and start working.

Or you prefer to work offline, via special applications which can edit the "po" 
file format.
Examples are lokalize or gtranslator or poedit.
You would need to install them on your PC and then find the po files for the 
under [2].

Please mail me, which method you would like to use, and don't hesitate
to ask any question you might have.

So long

[1] <https://hosted.weblate.org/projects/debian-installer/-/mr/>

[2] <https://d-i.debian.org/l10n-stats/level1/files/mr/>

Sent from /e/ OS on Fairphone3

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