
in short: I'm looking for a (plain-text / po-file) scanner or a dictionary containing curse words in as much variants, flavors and languages as possible.

I do maintain "Back In Time" which currently supports 46 languages. Excluding the ones me and my team do understand there are 43 left.

I do use Weblate (on Codeberg.org) to manage translations. I can watch nearly live my translators at work. I observed one who inserted (very creative) such bad words most of them describing privat parts of the human body. ;) I observed this by accident. There is no alarm or scanner feature. I blocked the user but he/she can create a new account and go on. The project is open for all users. I don't want to work in invitation mode because this will drive some translators drive away. I want to keep the project open.

But I don't want to only trust my translators.

Because of that I would like to scan the resulting po-files from time to time of the appearance of "bad words".

I assume I'm not the first person with that problem and need.


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