
Having some spare time today, so started a bit with Swedish

On Tue, Nov 22, 2022 at 8:03 PM Baptiste Beauplat <lykn...@debian.org> wrote:
> Hi,
> We just deployed a new version of mentors.debian.net with internationalization
> included. We currently have three languages available: English (the default),
> French and Portuguese (Brazil).
> Anyone can contribute translations using the Weblate project we've setup at:
> https://hosted.weblate.org/projects/debexpo
> We will publish translation that are a least 95% complete and unpublish it if 
> it
> dips below 75%.
> mentors.debian.net will detect your browser settings and will serve the
> appropriate version if the translation is available.
> You can force a specific language one of the two way:
> - In your account profile, by setting your preferred language
> - In the language quick switcher, available on all pages at the top right
>   (higher priority)
> I would like to thanks Carlos Henrique Lima Melara and Thiago Pezzo for their
> work on the Portuguese (Brazil) translation.
> Please note that I wrote the French translation myself as a way to ensure that
> most of mentors can be translated. And although I'm a native speaker, I am by 
> no
> means good at my own language... All of that to say that fixes and 
> proofreading
> would be much appreciated.
> --
> Baptiste Beauplat - lyknode

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