Hi all, Web version available here: https://gitlab.com/translations-devroom/cfp
# FOSDEM 2023 In Person -- Translations DevRoom Call for Participation!The twenty-third edition of FOSDEM [1] will take place Saturday 4th and Sunday 5th February 2023 in Brussels, Belgium.
## Key dates / New updates * Conference dates 4-5 February, 2023 In person. * Translations DevRoom [2] date: Sunday 5th February. * Submission deadline: Sunday 4th December (23:59 UTC). * Announcement of selected talks: Thursday 15th December. * You must be available in person to present your talk. * Talk submissions should be 30 mins and this should include Q&A time. ## TALK TOPICSFor the first time, FOSDEM will hold a devroom on all things related to translating FLOSS projects.
* Recruiting new people to translate your project.* How it works in your project to translate softwares, websites, packages, manuals, tools, and so on.
* Which tools are used by translators. * Exchange experiences between FLOSS projects. * Rewarding volunteer contributors and keeping volunteers motivated. * Showing which languages your project has been translated.Again, these are just suggestions. We welcome proposals on any aspect of translations!
## HOW TO SUBMIT A TALK * Head to the FOSDEM 2023 Pentabarf website [3]. * If you already have a Pentabarf account, please don’t create a new one. * If you forgot your password, reset it. * Otherwise, follow the instructions to create an account.* Once logged in, select "Create Event" and click on "Show All" in the top right corner to display the full form.
* Your submission must include the following information: - First and last name / Nickname (optional) / Image. - Email address.- Mobile phone number (this is a very hard requirement as there will be no other reliable form of emergency communication on the day). - Title and subtitle of your talk (please be descriptive, as titles will be listed with ~500 from other projects).
- Track: Select “Translations DevRoom” as the track. - Event type: Lecture (talk). - Persons: Add yourself as the speaker with your bio. - Description: Abstract (required)/ Full Description (optional). - Links to related websites / blogs etc.- Beyond giving us the above, let us know if there’s anything else you’d like to share as part of your submission - Twitter handle, GitHub activity history - whatever works for you. We especially welcome videos of you speaking elsewhere, or even just a list of talks you have done previously. First time speakers are, of course, welcome! - For issues with Pentabarf, please contact <translations-devroom-mana...@fosdem.org>. Feel free to send a notification of your submission to that email.
If you need to get in touch with the organisers or program committee of the Translations DevRoom, email us at <translations-devroom-mana...@fosdem.org>
FOSDEM code of conduct [4]Paulo Henrique de Lima Santana and Daniel Lenharo - Translations DevRoom Co-Organizers
[1] https://fosdem.org [2] https://fosdem.org/2023/schedule/track/translations [3] https://penta.fosdem.org/submission/FOSDEM23 [4] https://fosdem.org/2023/practical/conduct Best regards, -- Paulo Henrique de Lima Santana (phls) Belo Horizonte - Brasil Debian Developer Associado do Instituto para Conservação de Tecnologias Livres Site: http://phls.com.br GPG ID: 0443C450
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