Good morning
Please tell me if this layout comply with your requirements.

I want to add further information about the problem I reported.
The image below shows the computer that I reported as:

PC 2. Debian 11 32-bit. Spanish keyboard. Setup as Spanish (dead tilde)

This computer (a laptop) has an external Spanish keyboard.
The laptop's keyboard is a US English keyboard.
This explains why there are two keyboards layout set up.
See image

(image/png, inline)]

If I click on Behavior tab and want to type *mĂșsica* I obtain:

(image/png, inline)]

On the other hand Panel 1 does not know that there is a Spanish (dead
tilde) keyboard setup in the OS,
as you can see in the image below.

(image/png, inline)]

Accidentally I found why the OS shows English - English (US) on panel 1.
It is because IBus Preferences  (Applications > Settings > IBus
Preferences) contains what is shown below:

(image/png, inline)]

A temporary solution is to add the appropriate layouts in IBus and
remove the original one, as shown below:

(image/png, inline)]

Now panel 1 shows the correct keyboard layouts, being Spanish (dead
tilde) the main layout:

(image/png, inline)]

Now I can use any application and type using the dead keys funtionality
as shown below:

(image/png, inline)]

I said this is a temporary solution because I had trouble installing
Debian 11 32-bit (the problem is not present in Debian 11 64-bit),
because the installer has this flaw and I realized something was wrong
with the installer regarding the keyboard layout but I could not tell at
the moment what was going on. Of course I realized that the best at
installation time was to let the keyboard with the default layout:
English US.

On top of that I accidentally found the solution. I think that a user
installing Debian for the first time would not think that the problem
can be fixed tweaking IBus.

Anyway, you can count on me if you need anymore information about this.


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