Hi Thomas,

Em 25/03/2021 20:51, Thomas Vincent escreveu:

It's fairly easy to get information about the last contribution of
someone, in particular the date and language of their contribution.
After some trial and error with SQL queries, I managed to get a list of
17 people who contributed to the pt_BR locale since the 20th of March.

I can try to send you a list on Monday, after the end of your sprint.

That's nice!

Not to my knowledge, but maybe more experienced users know something
about this.

Having more stats easily available to contributors and language
coordinators would be great.


best regards,

Paulo Henrique de Lima Santana (phls)
Curitiba - Brasil
Debian Developer
Diretor do Instituto para Conservação de Tecnologias Livres
Site: http://phls.com.br
GNU/Linux user: 228719  GPG ID: 0443C450

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