
Le 22/09/2019 à 05:41, Laura Arjona Reina a écrit :
> El 22 de septiembre de 2019 17:12:15 CEST, Helge Kreutzmann 
> <deb...@helgefjell.de> escribió:

>> I believe David Prévot fixed this yesterday evening. I apologize for
>> the mixed up bug number and I suggest that the cron job is maybe
>> reduced to daily mails and Christian is removed?
> I'll try to look at this tomorrow if nobody beats me to it.

Removing not active members is nice, replacing them by active ones (for
example from French and German team at least, as they seem to be among
the most active teams currently: since mistake happens when people are
doing work, they also seem among the most error producers ;) might
assure someone continues to fix what is needed.

The hourly script is a fair incentive to handle quickly this kind of
easy to fix mistakes (some of us get to them usually within a few hours,
sleep or work permitting it. Sorry I was away from Internet/electricity
in the last few days ;).

Thanks to everyone involved.



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