Paul Gevers wrote:
> Minor changes have been done in installing.dbk (mostly dropping text)
> and one addition in release-notes.dbk. I think we can consider this
> frozen now.

I was going to say "wait, a couple more things" - but it looks as if
all the low-priority checks I had on my TODO-list have been taken care
of, except for...

One trivial consistency fix (assuming this shortcut can cope with

  --- a/en/issues.dbk
  +++ b/en/issues.dbk
       disable it before the upgrade, to ensure login sessions work on
       &releasename;. (A possible route to re-enabling it is outlined on the
       wiki's <ulink
+      url="&url-wiki;Hardening#Mounting_.2Fproc_with_hidepid">Hardening</ulink>

And one pair of URLs I failed to check properly:

@@ -571,10 +571,10 @@ $ sudo update-initramfs -u
       In stretch, the package <systemitem role="package">mutt</systemitem>
       had patches applied from the sources at <ulink
-      url="";></ulink>. Starting
+      url="";></ulink>. Starting
       from buster, the package providing <literal>/usr/bin/mutt</literal> will
       instead be purely based on the original sources from <ulink
-      url="";></ulink>, and a separate
+      url="";></ulink>, and a separate
       <systemitem role="package">neomutt</systemitem> package is available
       providing <literal>/usr/bin/neomutt</literal>.

JBR     with qualifications in linguistics, experience as a Debian
        sysadmin, and probably no clue about this particular package
diff --git a/en/issues.dbk b/en/issues.dbk
index 43eaceb3..20484f53 100644
--- a/en/issues.dbk
+++ b/en/issues.dbk
@@ -51,7 +51,7 @@ information mentioned in <xref linkend="morereading"/>.
       disable it before the upgrade, to ensure login sessions work on
       &releasename;. (A possible route to re-enabling it is outlined on the
       wiki's <ulink
-      url="";>Hardening</ulink>
+      url="&url-wiki;Hardening#Mounting_.2Fproc_with_hidepid">Hardening</ulink>
@@ -571,10 +571,10 @@ $ sudo update-initramfs -u
       In stretch, the package <systemitem role="package">mutt</systemitem>
       had patches applied from the sources at <ulink
-      url="";></ulink>. Starting
+      url="";></ulink>. Starting
       from buster, the package providing <literal>/usr/bin/mutt</literal> will
       instead be purely based on the original sources from <ulink
-      url="";></ulink>, and a separate
+      url="";></ulink>, and a separate
       <systemitem role="package">neomutt</systemitem> package is available
       providing <literal>/usr/bin/neomutt</literal>.

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