Hi, In sync with the upcoming Debian Buster release, the DebianEdu team is preparing a new release of Debian Edu / Skolelinux. Debian Edu is a Debian Pure Blend providing an out-of-the box environment of a completely configured school network. The teachers themselves or their technical support can roll out a complete multi-user multi-machine study environment within a few days.
The debian-edu-doc package is an important part of it. It guides even not that tech savvy school ICT-persons through the setup, the configuration and the operation of a completely free school ICT- infrastructure. So please help us out to release the relevant debian- edu-buster manual in as many languages as possible. As shown in the table below translation efforts already exist in several languages, although some of them could benefit of some extra love. If you intend to help out with one of these, please try to coordinate with the other contributors of your language group. language translated fuzzy untranslated ----------------------------------------------------- da 801 410 180 de 1391 es 450 289 652 fr 814 394 183 it 1248 96 47 ja 1005 220 166 nb 1316 51 24 nl 1355 32 4 pl 179 105 1107 zh 620 159 612 zh_Hant 104 61 1226 debian-edu-doc is a git maintained package. It's sources can be retrieved via g...@salsa.debian.org:debian-edu/debian-edu-doc.git or https://salsa.debian.org/debian-edu/debian-edu-doc.git If you intend to help out, please contact your relevant localisation community within Debian (debian-l10n-<your-language-community>) and send a notification email to the debian-edu mailinglist: debian-...@lists.debian.org in order to inform us that you joined this translation effort. Please send updated translations to the debian-edu mailinglist debian-...@lists.debian.org or as a wishlist bug against the debian-edu-doc package. Please note that languages nb, pl, zh and zh_Hant use hosted.weblate.org as their prefered translation tool. If you intend to help out on one of those languages, please join their communities on hosted.weblate.org. Thanks. On behalf of the DebianEdu team, Mike Gabriel, Frans Spiesschaert.