Donald Norwood wrote:
> We would very much appreciate reviews and translations.
> The last updated version is available:

Some of that needs a bit of rewriting - I'm having a look at it now,
but I'm puzzled by one particular line:

  Mike Gabriel [...]reports on the upcoming shift to Ayatana
  Application Indicators in Debian and work on generalizing the
  functionality of indicator icon applications to make them more
  gnostic on other desktop environments.

"More gnostic"?  If that's the same as "less desktop-agnostic",
wouldn't it be a bad thing?  This use of "agnostic" to mean "neutral"
is a rather odd piece of developerese in the first place, so my
revision currently has:

  functionality of indicator icon applications to make them more
  independent of the desktop environment used.

JBR     with qualifications in linguistics, experience as a Debian
        sysadmin, and probably no clue about this particular package

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