Hi Andrey, On Tue, Mar 13, 2018 at 10:37:44AM +0300, Andrey Skvortsov wrote: > > > > I can only repeat what I said before: ddtp *finally* needs to be > > maintained by DSA so we need ddtp.debian.org. Is anybody working into > > this direction? > > I've already updated DDTP puppet manifest for Stretch [1]. > Tvincent sent RT ticket to DSA team.
Very good! > We have IRC channel #ddtp (oftc) for that topic and there is wiki [2] > with information about migration status. Looks very promising. Please let me know if you got up ddtp.debian.org up and running (sorry, I'm not subscribed to the list). I need to adapt the UDD importer accordingly. (Just added this item on the Wiki.) Thanks a lot for your work on this Andreas. > 1. https://github.com/AndreySV/DDTP-puppet > 2. https://wiki.debian.org/DDTP/Migration -- http://fam-tille.de