Hi! I found that po-debconf statistics page for Russian [0] is updated in a very strange way. E. g., debconf templates for libvirt, privoxy, expeyes, openvas-scanner, hyperscan, metaphlan2-data, isa-support, open-infrastructure-container-tools, uftp, murano, mailman3-core, nixstatsagent were translated, corresponding bug reports were sent, corresponding messages with [BTS#] pseudo-header were sent to debian-l10n-russian mailing list. Then these packages were in a list "Packages with po-debconf support and for which translation is underway". The bug reports for these packages were closed by the maintainers (and the status of these packages were "done" in the list), but after some time these packages again appeared in a list "Packages with po-debconf support and for which translation is to do", which is misleading.
Regards, Lev Lamberov [0] https://www.debian.org/international/l10n/po-debconf/ru