We have a diff-file :o)
http://ftp.debian.org/debian/dists/sid/main/i18n/Translation-da.diff/ 2016-12-01-0229.24.gz 2016-12-01 02:35 296K -------------------------------------------- Den ons 30/11/16 skrev Martijn van Oosterhout <klep...@gmail.com>: Emne: Re: [Debian-l10n-devel] Translation for Package descriptions has been down for 6 months now Til: "Thomas Vincent" <tho...@vinc-net.fr> Cc: "Joe Dalton" <joedalt...@yahoo.dk>, "Debian I18n" <debian-i18n@lists.debian.org>, "Debian L10N Development" <debian-l10n-de...@lists.alioth.debian.org>, "Martin Bagge / brother" <brot...@bsnet.se> Dato: onsdag 30. november 2016 23.18 On 30 November 2016 at 09:21, Martijn van Oosterhout <klep...@gmail.com> wrote: On 30 Nov 2016 00:13, "Thomas Vincent" <tho...@vinc-net.fr> wrote: > > On #debian-ftp, ansgar suggested a change in rsync options: > > > < ansgar> tvincent: Could you change the command to "/usr/bin/rsync --server --sender -tre.Lsfx --safe-links . /srv/ddtp-dinstall/to-dak/." (different options) > > I recently made dak's rsync call a bit restrictive and rsync is picky > about the options being the same on both sides > (https://lists.debian.org/ debian-dak/2016/11/msg00014. html) > > Maybe that would explain the rsync error in the logs. > I can do this tonight if no one beats me to it. Ok done, lets see if this helps. Have a nice day, -- Martijn van Oosterhout <klep...@gmail.com> http://svana.org/kleptog/