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Quoting Mechtilde (o...@mechtilde.de):
> Hello,
> I work on internationalisation of Reportbug Bug#384287
> i18n is nearly ready
>  I asked for using the git repo, too. But the maintainer said no.
> He didn't want an internationalisation of his programm.

Could you point us again to the bug report I opened...in 2006? ;-)

Is there a comment from reportbug's maintainer there in order to
understand the reasons one would have to refuse the
internationalization of a program aimed at helping users to report

I can see one, of course: having the program inernationalized would
encourage users to report bugs in their own language instead of
(broken) English. That might be a valid reason at first glance....but
one could imagine solutions for this (such as warning users to
preferrably report in English, eventually asking for help in Debian
l10n mailing lists...or anything like this).

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