also sprach Donald Norwood <> [2014-11-29 06:00 +0100]:
> We just finished the last bits of the
> new issue of DPN to be released on Monday, December 1, around 19:45 UTC.
> We would very much appreciate reviews and translations.

DebConf has had two more sponsors since then. Can we repharse?

word-diff: (I can commit the change any time)

<toc-add-entry name="DC15Spon">DebConf15 welcomes its first [-nine-]{+eleven+} 
Each year for the past 14 years, Debian has held an <a 
href="";>annual conference</a> for 
developers and users. Next year, <a 
href="";>DebConf15</a> will take place in 
Germany in August of 2015. Nine companies [-have-]{+had+} already committed to 
<a href="";>sponsoring</a> 
the [-event:-]{+event by mid-November, and two more have joined since:+} 
credativ, sipgate, {+Matanel Foundation,+} Google, Fairsight Security, Martin 
Alfke / [-Buero,-]{+Buero 2.0,+}
Ubuntu, {+Mirantis,+} Logilab, Netways, and Hetzner.  Should you know of an 
organization that
would like to become a sponsor for the event, the DebConf team invites you to 
please have a look at the <a 
 brochure</a> which has all of the details. 
Looking forward to a great conference!

 .''`.   martin f. krafft <madduck@d.o> @martinkrafft
: :'  :  proud Debian developer
`. `'`
  `-  Debian - when you have better things to do than fixing systems
"the pure and simple truth is rarely pure and never simple."
                                                      -- oscar wilde

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