Hello there, I have arrived at a clearance [1] from 'debian-l10n-english' concerning modified debconf templates for 'webfs'. Could a translation request be arranged and conducted?
The templates file itself is as in [2], but is attached also to this message. Best regards, Mats Erik Andersson, maintainer of webfs. [1] https://lists.debian.org/debian-l10n-english/2014/08/msg00047.html [1] https://lists.debian.org/debian-l10n-english/2014/08/msg00046.html
# # If modifications/additions/rewording are needed, please ask # debian-l10n-engl...@lists.debian.org for advice. # # Even minor modifications require translation updates and such # changes should be coordinated with translators and reviewers. Template: webfsd/web_ip Type: string _Description: IP address webfsd should listen to: On a system with multiple IP addresses, webfsd can be configured to listen to only one of them. . If you leave this empty, webfsd will listen to all IP addresses. Template: webfsd/web_timeout Type: string _Description: Timeout for network connections: Template: webfsd/pending Type: string Default: no Description: for internal use only Template: webfsd/web_conn Type: string _Description: Number of parallel network connections: For small private networks, the default number of parallel network connections should be fine. This can be increased for larger networks. Template: webfsd/web_dircache Type: string _Description: Directory cache size: Directory listings can be cached by webfsd. By default, the size of the cache is limited to 128 entries. If the web server has very big directory trees, you might want to raise this value. Template: webfsd/web_port Type: string _Description: Incoming port number for webfsd: Please enter the port number for webfsd to listen to. If you leave this blank, the default port (8000) will be used. Template: webfsd/web_virtual Type: boolean Default: false _Description: Enable virtual hosts? This option allows webfsd to support name-based virtual hosts, taking the directories immediately below the document root as host names. Template: webfsd/web_root Type: string Default: /var/www/html _Description: Document root for webfsd: Webfsd is a lightweight HTTP server for mostly static content. Its most obvious use is to provide HTTP access to an anonymous FTP server. . Please specify the document root for the webfs daemon. . If you leave this field blank, webfsd will not be started at boot time. Template: webfsd/web_host Type: string _Description: Host name for webfsd: By default, webfsd uses the machine name as host name. . You can specify an alternate host name to be used as an external alias name (for instance "ftp.example.org") instead of the machine's fully qualified domain name. Template: webfsd/web_user Type: string Default: www-data _Description: User running the webfsd daemon: Template: webfsd/web_syslog Type: boolean Default: false _Description: Log webfsd events (start, stop, etc.) to syslog? Template: webfsd/web_accesslog Type: string _Description: Access log file: Access to webfsd is logged in common log format. . If this field is left empty, no logging of incoming connections will be done. Template: webfsd/web_logbuffering Type: boolean Default: true _Description: Should logging be buffered? With buffered logging, entries will be written in chunks, not as soon as they are accepted as client calls. Template: webfsd/web_group Type: string Default: www-data _Description: Group running the webfsd daemon: Template: webfsd/web_index Type: string _Description: Directory index filename: If webfsd receives a request for a directory, it can optionally look for an index file to send to the client. Common names are "index.html" and "default.html". If you leave this field empty, webfsd will never treat any file as index of a directory. . In the absence of an index, webfsd will normally construct a listing for any requested directory. However, if you consider a generated directory listing to present a security risk, then the listing can be disabled by running the server with the "-j" option. This option can be added to the variable "web_extras" in "/etc/webfsd.conf", either manually or by way of a following dialog ("Extra options to include"). Template: webfsd/web_cgipath Type: string _Description: CGI script catalog: Please specify the location for CGI scripts to be served by webfsd. This path should be located immediately below the document root. . Please specify the full path name, not a relative path. If this field is left empty, CGI scripts will be disabled. Template: webfsd/web_extras Type: string _Description: Extra options to include: Please specify any webfsd options you want to use with the main daemon. . For instance, webfsd can run chrooted, provide timed expiration of files, and bind either IPv4 or IPv6 addresses. . In particular, this is the right time to insert the option "-j", preventing all generation of directory listings. . See webfsd's manual page for further options and details.