Quoting Daniel Echeverry (epsilo...@gmail.com):
> Hi folks
> I am maintainer of tintii package, actually, I am working in a new
> version of tinti, however my sponsor suggest update description   of
> package, for this reason, I want to know if could you help me with
> tintii's description because I am not a native english speaker :(

The debian-l10n-english mailing list is more suitable for this
purpose, indeed.

> The original description is:
> Description: Turns colour photos into b/w and highlights regions in colour
>  tintii takes full colour photos and processes them into black and white with
>  some select regions highlighted in colour. The technique is known as colour
>  popping or selective colouring – tintii makes it easy.
> Checking documentation and basing my poor English thought in something
> like this:
> Description: Photo filter for saturation control, especially selective
> colour effects.
>  Tool for selective colour, saturation and hue shift photo adjustments.
>  Rather than fixing the set of colours that you can adjust, or requiring
>  you to manually select them, Tintii is uniquely able to automatically detect
>  the major colours in a photo, making adjustments quick, easy and more precise
>  than other means.

There are a few things to (imho) fix:
- leading capital in the synopsis (discouraged)
- too long synopsis
- make sentences
- avoid adressing users ("you")
- use of en_US
- double spaces after sentence dots
- slightly lower the "advertisment style" of the second sentence and
avoid comparing with other tools

Here is what I come with as of now (dunno what "hue" is...a typo?)

Description: photo filter for saturation control and color effects
 This package provides a tool for selective color, saturation and hue
 shift photo adjustments. 
 One of the unique feature of Tintii is being able to automatically
 detect the major colors in a photo, making adjustments quicker and
 easier than manual adjustments.

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