On 4 June 2014 23:31, Joe Dalton <joedalt...@yahoo.dk> wrote:

> Hi Martijn, I think it is more serious than just not picked up by dak.
> It is not possible to fetch new translations at the moment, so no work is
> done at the moment.
> the message is
> Package not found
> Goto main screen

Ok, I saw translations being approved every now and then so I figured it
was working ok. I looked at the logs more carefully and something was
definitely broken.

Turns out that one of the counters in the database passed the 2G limit
which caused package information to not be inserted, and the code threw
away the error :(

I fixed that and the update script is running again, hopefully later today
it will be better.

Sorry for misunderstanding the situation...

Have a nice day,

 Martijn van
 Oosterhout <klep...@gmail.com>

Martijn van Oosterhout <klep...@gmail.com> http://svana.org/kleptog/

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