On 31 January 2014 07:36, Christian PERRIER <bubu...@debian.org> wrote:
> Quoting Andreas Tille (ti...@debian.org):
> > > Hmm, sounds like an idea. I'm going to be off the air for at least the
> next
> > > week so if someone wants to take a shot at it in the meantime, go
> ahead.
> >
> > What exactly needs to be discussed with whom?  I'll be on Debian Med
> sprint
> > this weekend - so this is a Debian dedicated weekend anyway ...
> Some ftpmasters scripts (dak?) connect to the ddtp.debian.net machine
> through
> SSH in order to grab the package description translation files.
> Since Martijn moved the service to the new machine, the SSH host key
> changed and therefore, this SSH connection fails. At least this is my
> understanding of the problem.
I'm back now and I'm not getting the annoying emails any more and and the
logs on ddtp.d.n are showing successful public-key authentications, so I
think the problem is fixed. The real check is if we can find something
recently translated in the Translations files on ftp.d.o.

Have a nice day,

Martijn van Oosterhout <klep...@gmail.com> http://svana.org/kleptog/

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