Quoting Miroslav Kure (ku...@upcase.inf.upol.cz):
> On Sat, Jan 25, 2014 at 01:17:55PM +0700, Hai Nam wrote:
> > It depends on language. In some languages, Alioth is the upstream and
> > translation is pushed to TP. In others, it is not the same. In your case, I
> > think a committer simply downloaded the translation from TP and committed
> > on Alioth because TP cz translation is more recent.
> Are you indicating there is no automated gateway between Alioth
> upstream and TP and the synchronization is done manually?

Yes. One of the iso-codes maintainers (LI Daobing, CC'ed) follows the
TP and then commits updated files back to the iso-codes git

POT files in the TP are updated each time iso-codes is published
(which is about once a month).


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