Quoting Beatrice Torracca (beatri...@libero.it):
> Hi! 
> Long time ago I did download the tarball of all the po-debconf
> translated templates from 
> http://i18n.debian.net/debian-l10n-material/po-debconf-testing.tar.gz
> which was still on i18n.debian.net. I can't seem to find them on
> i18n.debian.org. Are they still generated and available somewhere?
> Moreover, provided that the huge compendium of all .po files is still
> generated as well, I would second Aron Xu proposal [1] of generating per
> language tarballs (since the global one was like 1GB in size :-)
> If they still exist somewhere, can someone point me to those files?

Something like http://i18n.debian.org/compendia/ ?

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