On 25 September 2013 22:06, Joerg Jaspert <jo...@debian.org> wrote:

> > Right now I'm working on puppetising the whole setup and I'm going to try
> > to include some documentation in there. But the biggest issue here is
> that
> > when there is a new release the name of 'testing' changes, and that
> > requires updating half a dozen scripts. There really needs to be a better
> > way to do that. Is there a supported automatable way to determine what
> > testing currently is, so that scripts can detect when it happens and warn
> > about it?
> Look at any (full) mirrors dists/ where the {testing,stable,...}
> symlinks point to?
That seems reasonable, except I don't see how you can reliably check for
symlinks on a mirror via HTTP/FTP. Sure, as a human looking it seems fairly
clear, but it's not something I'd feel comfortable automating.

lftp seems to do a reasonable job with ftp, so parsing the output of "cls"
on ftp.debian.org seems doable (look for an @ symbol), but somewhat obtuse.
I was hoping for a file that said "stable wheezy".

Have a nice day,

Martijn van Oosterhout <klep...@gmail.com> http://svana.org/kleptog/

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