This is great news, please go ahead.

 Fra: Martijn van Oosterhout <>
Til: Debian I18n <>; Debian L10N Development 
Sendt: 15:47 torsdag den 19. september 2013
Emne: A new DDTP server / DDTP is puppetised

Hi Debian Translators,

The DDTP has been limping along for a many years on churro and given the 
problems in the last few months it may be time to put churro to sleep.

In the last few weeks Andreas Tille and Thomas Goirand have graciously arranged 
for a virtual server at gplhost. I have spent a few hours writing a puppet 
manifest to configure the machine.

The manifest can be found here:

And the result can be seen at the temporary url

So now two birds are killed with one stone: with this manifest, anyone can 
configure a new DDTP server in about 20 minutes. And we have a new server ready 
to take over from churro.

(For everybody who thinks this repo should be on alioth under the debian-l10n 
project, I agree. I just couldn't work out how to make a new repo on alioth and 
github was three clicks.)

So, what is needed to make the transition complete:

1. Agreement from everyone that this is the way to go (hence this email).

2. Support from the ftpmasters to handle the switchover to the new server. We 
can copy a lot of keys, but SSH is still going to complain when we change the 

3. DNS entry change to new IP address (owner of domain needs to do this).

4. A switchover moment to copy the database and statistics (my job).

5. The new server needs a valid reverse DNS so it can send/receive mail (being 
worked on).

6. Probably some more user accounts, currently only Andreas & I have access, 
and perhaps not even Andreas because port 443 is now the webserver.

Now, in theory this manifest could also be used on the (no longer available) However, we are not yet ready for this. It caused problems on 
their database server last time and the fixes for that vanished when the server 
vanished. So we will have to go without any Debian infrastructure until the DB 
issues are fixed (probably when we go to DDTP2).

Now, barring objections and/or other problems I was thinking of aiming for a 
switchover in the second week of October.

(For those curious about performance: despite the new VM having less memory 
than churro, the VM manages to do the daily update in just under 3 hours, while 
churro takes 17).


Martijn van Oosterhout <> 

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