Jessie is now shown and the stats on the front page has been updated. So :o) for that part. bye Joe Danish
________________________________ Fra: Martijn van Oosterhout <> Til: Christian Perrier <> Cc: Debian Internationalization <>; Debian Development <> Sendt: 22:31 mandag den 9. september 2013 Emne: Re: [Debian-l10n-devel] DDTSS is working well ? What we could try is going back to uploading sid+wheezy. That should pass the checks though I'm not sure if the ftp masters would approve. >> > Good idea, yes. If, at least, we could get rid of the "arf arf" mails, that woul dshow some progress and translators would then see at least something happening. > > Ok, done. Let's see what happens. Have a nice day, -- Martijn van Oosterhout <>