Hellow fellow ftpmasters,

Is there any chance that the copy of ddtp-i18n-check.sh you have in
<insert right place here> to deal with stuff coming from
i18n.debian.net and related to DDTP...is updated with s/wheezy/jessie,
according to the mail below?

Also, proposed patch attached, to make error mails a bit more
meaningful than "arf arf"....:-)

Of course, please let me know if you need this to be fixed another
way. It's not that urgent: after all our stuff is failing daily for
about a month, so it can fail a few more days..:-)

----- Forwarded message from Martijn van Oosterhout <klep...@gmail.com> -----

Date: Thu, 23 May 2013 23:36:15 +0200
From: Martijn van Oosterhout <klep...@gmail.com>
To: Christian PERRIER <bubu...@debian.org>
Cc: "Felipe Augusto van de Wiel (faw)" <f...@debian.org>, Debian I18n 
<debian-i18n@lists.debian.org>, Debian L10N Development 
Subject: Re: [Debian-l10n-devel] DDTP - No Tranlation-XX files in 
http://ftp.debian.org/debian/dists/jessie/main/i18n/ ?
X-CRM114-Status: Good  ( pR: 16.1881 )

Well, according to my notes, the current error means that the
ddtp-i18n-check.sh failed. This script is in the dak repository and
probably needs the same fix we did to our version, you can see it online

*Warning* I just picked a random github repo that looked like it had the
right content.


I'm also attaching a patch I made a long time ago which replaces the errors
messages sent to the mailing list with something meaningful. I frankly have
no idea where to send such things but maybe someone here knows what to do
with it.

Have a nice day,
Martijn van Oosterhout <klep...@gmail.com> http://svana.org/kleptog/

----- End forwarded message -----


diff --git a/config/debian/dinstall.functions b/config/debian/dinstall.functions
index c4a25a6..53c3f8d 100644
--- a/config/debian/dinstall.functions
+++ b/config/debian/dinstall.functions
@@ -97,15 +97,15 @@ function i18n1() {
                 echo "ARRRR, bad guys, wrong files, ARRR"
-                echo "Arf, Arf, Arf, bad guys, wrong files, arf, arf, arf" | mail -a "X-Debian: DAK" -s "Don't you kids take anything. I'm watching you. I've got eye implants in the back of my head." debian-l10n-de...@lists.alioth.debian.org -- -F "Debian FTP Masters" -f ftpmas...@ftp-master.debian.org
+                echo "ddtp-i18n-check.sh failed for timestamp ${TSTAMP}" | mail -a "X-Debian: DAK" -s "[dinstall-i18n] Downloaded files failed check" debian-l10n-de...@lists.alioth.debian.org -- -F "Debian FTP Masters" -f ftpmas...@ftp-master.debian.org
             echo "ARRRR, missing the timestamp ${TSTAMP} directory, not updating i18n, ARRR"
-            echo "Arf, Arf, Arf, missing the timestamp ${TSTAMP} directory, not updating i18n, arf, arf, arf" | mail -a "X-Debian: DAK" -s "Lisa, if you don't like your job you don't strike. You just go in every day and do it really half-assed. That's the American way." debian-l10n-de...@lists.alioth.debian.org -- -F "Debian FTP Masters" -f ftpmas...@ftp-master.debian.org
+            echo "timestamp ${TSTAMP} directory missing" | mail -a "X-Debian: DAK" -s "[dinstall-i18n] Missing timestamp directory" debian-l10n-de...@lists.alioth.debian.org -- -F "Debian FTP Masters" -f ftpmas...@ftp-master.debian.org
         echo "ARRRRRRR, could not verify our timestamp signature, ARRR. Don't mess with our files, i18n guys, ARRRRR."
-        echo "Arf, Arf, Arf, could not verify our timestamp signature, arf. Don't mess with our files, i18n guys, arf, arf, arf" | mail -a "X-Debian: DAK" -s "You can't keep blaming yourself. Just blame yourself once, and move on." debian-l10n-de...@lists.alioth.debian.org -- -F "Debian FTP Masters" -f ftpmas...@ftp-master.debian.org
+        echo "could not verify our timestamp signature" | mail -a "X-Debian: DAK" -s "[dinstall-i18n] Timestamp file failed signature check" debian-l10n-de...@lists.alioth.debian.org -- -F "Debian FTP Masters" -f ftpmas...@ftp-master.debian.org

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