Quoting Beatrice Torracca (beatri...@libero.it):
> Hello,
> I noticed that there aren't any files of the traslated package
> desriptions (eg. Translation-it) in
> http://ftp.debian.org/debian/dists/jessie/main/i18n/ 
> but there are in the corresponding directory for sid and stabel.
> Is it right? No translations for those using Testing?
> Ciao,
> beatrice
> P.S. I might be missing something obvious *g*

We currently have something that's is going wrong with the scripts
that run on churro, generate what's expected by the ftpmaster machine
that grabs them 3 times a day.

I tried to have a look at these scripts last weekend and found out
very obvious places where "jessie" had to be defined but it seems that
my changes were not enough to make things work.

This magic between churro and the ftpmaster machine is something that
was setup by Felipe and Nicolas a few years ago and, well, it not
completely obvious..:-)

As usual, when the magic behing the DDTP is working, everything does
well, but when something breaks, we're desperately in need of someone
who can fix it.

Trying again to CC Felipe or Nicolas, in case one of them notices this


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