Quoting Beatrice Torracca (beatri...@libero.it):
> On Tuesday 07 May 2013, at 12:30 +0200, Beatrice Torracca wrote:
> > > http://i18n.debian.org/testing-l10n-status/podebconf-l10n-testing.txt
> > > (see below)
> > 
> > I don't see Italian among the language shown there. For instance, I
> > have the translation of sipml5 ready and I plan to send it in time for
> > its Translation call.
> Ops! I misunderstood what you wrote. You did not include "outsider"
> languages yet.
> That could be a nice summary of our (and other) languages situation, yes.

Now, Italian shows up in the list.

I also modified the script that generates the "NMU" page:


This page lists packages that are good targets for "l10n NMU"
proposals, as they have longstanding pending translations.

Pending translations there are weighted with:
- the number of strings
- the age of the bug report
- the "weight" of the language with those that target 100% given a bit
more weight

This should help us to identify packages for which we need to nag
maintainers for an upload (but don't nag Marco d'Itri for ppp....:-))

I left this page aside since the end of 2012, when we reached the 100%
goal in testing. I now need to revive efforts in handling it.

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