thanks, file has been integrated.
a msgmerge after rename da directory helped msgmerge upgrading_old.po upgrading.po -o ny.po ________________________________ Fra: victory <> Til: Cc: Joe Dalton <> Sendt: 11:43 lørdag den 4. maj 2013 Emne: Re: SV: .po tools [was: Re: Soft call for translating the Release Notes] On Sat, 4 May 2013 10:01:19 +0100 (BST) Joe Dalton wrote: svn requires the files you are about to commit are in sync, so you need that flag to commit but the conflict prevent it then perhaps most easy answer will be: cd to the upper directory and rename your da directory to keep updated files, then svn update and you now have the current copy, then you can bring back the files you've translated svn diff to see whether you havent lost changes here -- victory no need to CC me :-) 0.0.1 0.0.1