[please reply on -publicity list] Hi all,
with the help of people from the Release Team, we just finalised the announcement for the release of Wheezy. There's only one part missing, and it's the one dedicated to Debian Blends: Paul has already mailed them asking for input and we are waiting for their reply. But the rest is done, so you can start reviewing and translating! Here's the draft: http://anonscm.debian.org/viewvc/publicity/announcements/en/2013/20130504.wml?view=markup The translations should be added to the publicity repository; here's all the relevant informations on how to do it: http://wiki.debian.org/News/HowToTranslate We expect to be done with the release (and the sending of the announcement) on Saturday, the 4th. There's currently no good estimate of when exactly the announcement will be sent out. I can add the translated announcements to the website myself for you: just remember to mark the status of the file adding a line with a [translating|reviewing|ready] tag (so that I'll know when it's ready). If there's also a localized -user or -news mailing list for your language, please get in contact with the coordinator of your l10n team to see that (s)he have the permission to send the translated announcement to the mailing list. Cheers, Francesca -- "When kids hit one year old, it's like hanging out with a miniature drunk. You have to hold onto them. Thet bump into things. They laugh and cry. They urinate. They vomit." Johnny Depp
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