On 8 April 2013 06:03, Alkis Georgopoulos <alk...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi, I'm upstream for some app (epoptes), and also Debian maintainer for
> it. It's been translated in 35 languages.
> I could include any packaging text (short, long description...) in the
> epoptes.pot file, and have it translated in 35 languages too.
> What I'm then missing is some way to automate the .po => DDTP process.

There is as yet no simple way to use po files to translate debian
descriptions. It's been suggested before but there's not enough developers
to make it happen. And also debian descriptions have specific formatting
requirements, though I don't know enough about po files to know whether
that's an issue or not.

I also don't see the point of automating it, how often does your
description change?

I think many projects could follow the same approach.
> In the majority of the cases, package descriptions are not distro
> specific, so _allowing_ upstream translations for packaging text sounds
> like a good idea to me...

In an ideal world I'd allow the DDTSS to import PO files as initial
translations. Then the normal review process by the language teams can
handle it from there.

Have a nice day,
Martijn van Oosterhout <klep...@gmail.com> http://svana.org/kleptog/

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